Tuesday 5 November 2013

Analysis of School Magazines

The title of the magazine is "The Kings School", this represents the school as a whole and tells people that the magazine is about the school and what goes on during the day. The magazine is called "The Kings School" because it's the name of the school and it's just simple and convenient to have a name that everyone will know. 

The main subject is a school student and he is standing in front of the school building in his own clothes. When you first look at this magazine, the fact that he's in his own clothes draws you to the cover, and then draws you to the words on the side "UNIFORM the debate it on", this then answers the question as to why he is controversially in his own clothes. The main subject is also standing in front of his own schools building which adds to the relevance of the magazine.

One of the feature stories is about exam stress and tips to help you succeed. This is relevant to the school because this magazine issue was obviously released during exam time and it is something that the older years would want to read to help them through their exams. Another story in the magazine is about the prom and probably includes pictures of people from the prom which is something that I think students would want to see.

The lighting on the front cover is very bright and appealing and the attention is on the main subject in the centre. However the clothes that he is wearing contrast this as they're not bright and appealing. Which tells me that there is interesting content and debates in the magazine. The colour red is used on the sections of the cover which want the most attention, for example "only 80p!" is in red to draw the attention to the customer. On this type of magazine the connotation of red is excitement and a feeling of power, for example with the words 'New!". I think that on this magazine the red represents power because this is written by school students who have the power and freedom to write their view points.

On the front cover there are all the typical codes and conventions for a normal magazine which you would buy in the shop. There is a big title at the top, a barcode, issue number and catchy enticing words to draw you into the magazine. The font used isn't very consistent however I think it represents school and the students in it and emphasises again, the power they have over this magazine. I think that the font used for the bar along the bottom is a good style for school students, it's a swirly interesting font which could reflect the content of the magazine and the creativeness of the students and the school as a whole.

This school magazine is called "FFH" which stands for "Further Faster Higher". This is obviously a sport magazine for a school and it talks about the PE department and all the sports which people have been participating in, and what is happening in the future. The title is very positive, and the fact that it has been abbreviated makes it catchy and easily said. I think they chose this choice of name because it gives off positive vibes and it's short and sweet and represents the success of the school.

The image on the front are of the school netball team who are smiling, this again adds to the positive vibes that the magazine clearly wants to portray. The image appeals to the target audience as they're of similar ages, and maybe they're students' friends on the front which would mean the magazine would definitely appeal to peers.

The feature stories are all about what is going on in the Sports Department and what is going to be happening in the future with sport or anything to do with the school, like trips and clubs. But the school obviously specialises in sport and are very proud of what they do.
I think that this magazine has a good colour scheme which attracts the necessary attention from peers and fellow students, but also it would interest fellow teachers and also parents. I think it's good that the magazine has a wide target audience because it means that everyone is included in the magazine, and the topics and content have a relevance and interest to everybody.

The magazine also includes typical codes and conventions of a normal shop magazine, it has a bold title, slogans and the issue number. It has also put the contents on the front which I think is a good idea because it grabs the audience from the very first glance, they don't have to look inside the magazine to know what it's talking about. I also like the font because it's very consistent and practical, which is something that opens this magazine to a wide target audience. If the style of font was swirly and "child" looking, it would attract the attention away from older people like parents and teachers. But the fact that the writing is practical and consistent means that this magazine is suitable and interesting for anybody.

The title of this magazine is "Harlow High" which I'm guessing is the name of the school. I think they decided to choose this name for their magazine because it's simple and easy to remember and reflects the school, the colours used also represent the school as they're probably the colour theme for the school logo. This makes the magazine look professional as it all ties into the school and represents it in a good way.

The main image on the front of the magazine is a picture of a boy and a girl, this would appeal to the target audience of students as it is their peers and the content inside will probably be relevant to young people. The fact that there is a boy and a girl on the front portrays the mixed school in a positive and friendly way as it shows them getting along and helping each other.

The feature stories are mainly about exam results and upcoming events. The fact that the magazine has the exam results on the front means that they are proud of what they've achieved and again, it portrays the school in a good way as it shows that "Harlow High" is a good place to be, this is also shown by the word "High" and represents the really good exam results and could represent how good the school is as a whole.

This magazines main colour scheme is black and yellow, I think this is because the theme for the school logo is also black and yellow, so it's good that the magazine has kept consistent with the school. I think the colour scheme works as the colours are a contrast and naturally draw in the readers' eye, and once the initial attention is grasped it probably won't be lost. Also the font is very interesting a swirly, which emphasises the fact that the audience is the young students in the school, and the font makes the magazine appeal to them.

This school magazine has lots of codes and conventions just like a shop published magazine. It has a bold, catchy title, a big logo, issue number and date and feature stories. However the only thing that this school magazine doesn't have is a barcode.

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