Monday 20 January 2014

My Magazine Photoshoot Images

These are the images which I am going to be using in my rap magazine. I may not use all of these photos but they're my favourite out of all the images I've taken. I think that my model represents the rap genre well as well as bringing a new perspective to it.

Friday 17 January 2014

Second Draft on Double Page Spread

Miss G
Quote used as headline: "I'm really close with Nicki"
Stand first: New to the rap industry Miss G is looking to make her debut. She was first discovered by Nicki Minaj at a global rap competition. Although she didn't win, Nicki saw potential and decided to get her hooked up with a label and cram in some practise time before performing with Nicki on stage at her very own tour.

Interviewer: Aaaay, Miss G! How are you?!
Miss G: Heya! I'm very well thank you.

I: That's good to hear! Come on then Miss G tell us all about how busy you've been!
G: Oh gosh I don't know where to start! I entered the "Global Rap Stars" competition just over a year ago now, just for a laugh to see what sort of feed back I'd get, and Nicki Minaj was there! She wasn't judging she was at the front of the audience, well she wouldn't be at the back would she! (laughs). I came on stage and performed my little mash up of a few songs and created my own beat, yes I can beat box! Haha! Anyway I didn't manage to win and as I was packing up my things I was told that Nicki Minaj wanted to speak to me! Now it's not every day you hear that! (laughs). She gave me some feedback and some really good advice, and she also gave me um, contact details for her manager, she really liked my music!

I: Wow! How did that feel for you? I'm sure you weren't expecting that!
G: Absolutely not, I was shocked! Especially because I'm a shy girl I find it hard to express my emotions, and the way that works best for me is through rap music. I guess you could say I have a bad streak about me (giggles).

I: So where are you now with your music or your recording?
G: Well at the moment, I'm currently writing new music for the future, and practising using my beat boxing in some of my songs and creating the right noises, it's hard you know!

I: I'm sure it is! I'm not even going to try it should be illegal for me to try! So what's your relationship like with Nicki?
G: Oh gosh, it's great. We get on so well with loads of joking around. She's lovely, which I'm sure you wouldn't expect with her 'bad bitch' reputation! But with her being in the USA a lot we don't see each other as much as we'd like.

I: Are you ever hoping to do a collaboration with Nicki?
G: Oh yeah! I would love to, we may have already been talking about it..... that's all I'm saying, no more no more haha!

I: Aaah, it was worth a try!
I: So Miss G, tell me who your favourite rap artists are...besides Nicki!
G: Haha! Okay, excluding Nicki.... I really like Kendrick Lamar, he's become so successful this year with his new album and singles and his lyrics are so deep! I also really like Lil Wayne and Tyga, their songs are so catchy and I'd love to be as successful as they are in the future!

I: Ooooh, I love a bit of Kendrick and Lil Wayne! What would you do if one of those wanted to collaborate with you?
G: Oh my goodness I would probably faint! Of course I would do a collaboration, I'd be nervous as hell though, this is Kendrick Lamar and Lil Wayne we're talking about, I wouldn't want to mess it up or embarrass myself!

I: That's understandable, you're brilliant though!
G: (laughs) Thank you!

I: Earlier you mentioned that you were writing some music... could you maybe hint to us what the songs about or who's featured in it?
G: I have just finished recording my first single, there is someone featured on it however... I can't tell you that one! You'll have to wait until the release date which is the 21st of January!

I: Aaah damn! I was hoping for some gossip! Why did you choose the 21st?
G: Haha I'm all secrets I'm afraid! I chose the 21st because it's my birthday, I thought it would lighten up my birthday even more to know that my single has been released!

I: Ooh! That's very soon then, I look forward to the 21st!
G: Thank you! I'm so excited, it still hasn't sunk in yet!

I: So Miss G, how was your very first interview?!
G: I've got to admit, I was quite nervous coming in, I wasn't sure what questions I would be asked but it didn't really feel like an interview, it was more of a chat which I enjoyed!

I: Oh gosh you don't need to be worried! Well I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway, and I hope this isn't the last we see of you!
G: Oh definitely not! I'll gladly come back it's been fun. Hopefully we'll have more to talk about with my album at the end of the year!

I: Ooo! I'll book you in now shall I? (laughs)
G: (laughs) Yes please do! With my busy schedule and everything...(laughs)

I: Well it's been nice chatting to you! Me and the team have loved getting to know you a little bit better.
G: It's been nice chatting to you also, you've made me feel very welcome, and I hope to see you soon with hopefully some gossip I can share!

Photo Shoot Planning

Miss G Shoot

Photo shoot concept:
I want my magazine to appeal to young males and females and represent rap in a more positive way that it's portrayed at the moment. I am doing this by showing a young, friendly female rap artist in my photo shoot to hopefully give rap a new perspective.

From my photo shoot I want to achieve images that represent rap well and also show that I have got my inspiration from other magazines like Vibe.

Date and Timings:
My photo shoot will take place at the weekend. It should take around half an hour to get the images I want. I have made plans with my model and the date and time is arranged and in place so everything can go ahead. Because my photo shoot is inside with a white background, the weather conditions don't matter. The only thing I need to consider is the lighting, which I have planned - I am going to use a bright white light which brightens up the image, creating shadows in the appropriate places.

The photo shoot is taking place at the models house and I will bring all the appropriate equipment like a camera, lighting, white background and a laptop.

I will need some gold jewellery for my model to wear with a black jumper but I have these already so it's organised.

I am having one model featuring on the cover and on a double page spread story, she is called Miss G and is a rap artist new to the music industry.

I am styling my models hair and also doing her make up.

Equipment and Preparation
I will need to make sure that my camera battery is charged and that I have sufficient memory left on my memory card. If not then I will need to purchase a new memory card. I will be using a Lumix G camera with a lens of 14-42, I will also use a tripod for some images.

Friday 10 January 2014

Equipment list - costume and props

For my photoshoot I am going to use a my Compact System Camera and flash to take the photos which I will use in my music magazine, on the front cover and double page spread story. Regarding the surroundings, I would like to take the photos with a blank background so that the images will generally just have a better look. Then if I need to edit or make further changes I will use photoshop to do so.

My plans for my photoshoot is to have the subject close up to the camera, this will be on the cover of my magazine. I like this idea for the cover of my magazine because it's simple but looks sophisticated. I also like this idea because peoples faces are always close up on Vibe magazine - a rap magazine which I have analysed in my research. I also think it shows extra detail in the face, which is further improved by my professional camera.

For my double page spread article I would like to have images of the subject around the page, with a main image across the top half of the magazine. I saw this on a double page spread which I put on my mood board. I thought this made the article look more thought-through and neat for this genre of music. My subject would be posing and smiling in these images to give of positive vibes to the readers and generally bright up the page, as the article is
talking about a new female artist in the industry. I would like my artist to be in fashionable casual clothes that give a good representation of rap.

Some costume ideas for my model include a simple black jumper with bold accessories and make up. I want my model to wear black as she has black hair and my photographs will be taken with a white backdrop creating a strong contrast - making my magazine more eye catching.

Sunday 5 January 2014


I experimented with a few fonts here for my title writing style. I only kept my variety to four as there wasn't many fonts that stood out to me while I was looking, that represent rap. Whilst doing my research of rap magazines I have seen that majority have these three colours featured on the front. This has influenced me to stick to this colour scheme on my own music magazine. 

On Vibe magazine, their titles are red which I thought worked really well as it created a bright contrast with the white background. This has given me the idea to have red as one of my possibilities. Also with the blue, I haven't seen many rap magazines with this colour - especially this shade of blue, and I think it's just a calm colour but also has the potential to stand out with a white background. 

Out of the four fonts my favourite is the one at the bottom (Neuropol). I think it looks new and doesn't represent a particular sex. Whereas with the second font, I feel that it wouldn't work on a music magazine of this chosen genre mainly because it could be perceived as being quite a childish font and therefore not representing and drawing in the target audience.

Overall my two possible options for my fonts are numbers 3 and 4, in the colours red and blue. I think they represent rap the best and don't target either males or females, but both. In my music magazine I am trying to target it at both young males and females because there isn't really a rap magazine which has achieved this, seeing as majority of the audience are male. So with my magazine I am trying to encourage young girls to get involved with this genre and enjoy it just as much as young males do.

Friday 3 January 2014

Reader's Profile

For my music magazine I would like the target audience to be young people between the ages of 16-21. I have chosen this age range because I believe there isn't many rap music magazines that target this age category - usually magazines like Vibe are for older teenagers. Opening up a new music magazine at a new target audience could benefit the rap industry further because it would be including younger people in the genre. Although young people of 16 listen to rap, there isn't a particular magazine that targets that age. This is what inspired me to create a music magazine like this.

By looking at my magazine it will be relatively easy to recognise the target audience. This is because of the layout, the style and the text included in the magazine. On other rap magazines, the layout is very basic and sophisticated, I would like to stick to this theme but change it up a little so that it can fully represent the audience. For example, on the front of my magazine I would like the main subject of the topic in the centre, but then on the left hand side I would like other feature stories about other rap artists because I believe that this draws in the attention of the younger audiences.

Age Range:

The target demographic for my music magazine will be in the E category. This is because I've targeted my magazine at teenagers. However I also think that my magazine could be demographic D because I've targeted my magazine at 20 year olds who are adults and in work.

Average Age:

South London

Voice, decks

80% male
20% female

In Education

Working Part-Time

Working Full-Time

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Article Draft on a Double Page Spread

Miss G

Quote used as headline: "I'm really close with Nicki"
Stand first: New to the rap industry Miss G is looking to make her debut. She was first discovered by Nicki Minaj at a global rap competition. Although she didn't win, Nicki saw potential and decided to get her hooked up with a label and cram in some practise time before performing with Nicki on stage at her very own tour.

Interviewer: Aaaay, Miss G! How are you?!

I: Come on then Miss G tell us all about how busy you've been!

I: How did that feel for you? I'm sure you weren't expecting that!

I: So where are you now with your music or your recording?

I: Are you ever hoping to do a collaboration with Nicki?

I: So Miss G, tell me who your favourite rap artists are...besides Nicki!

I: What would you do if one of those wanted to collaborate with you?

I: That's understandable, you're brilliant though!

I: Could you maybe hint to us what the songs about or who's featured in it?

I: So Miss G, how was your very first interview?!

I: Well I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway, and I hope this isn't the last we see of you!

I: Well it's been nice chatting to you! Me and the team have loved getting to know you a little bit better.